Johnny Manic Cover Poll

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Option one, the original cover:

To Hell with Johnny Manic - Original

Option two:

To Hell with Johnny Manic - Basic Redesign

Thanks to all who voted. This poll is closed. The winner was the second cover (the one with the road). After a few design iterations, we came up with the final cover, which appears below.

To Hell with Johnny Manic - Final Cover

Credits: Road photo by David Everett Strickler via
Woman and eyes by RetroAtelier via Getty Images.

First Cover for Johnny Manic

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Thanks to my artist/designer wife for this lovely cover. We hope to have this one out in 2019. What is your first impression of the cover? What do you think the book will be about? Leave comments below.

Early cover of To Hell with Johnny Manic

Note: Comments closed

Help Design My Next Cover

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After two rounds with the editor and many drafts, Gate 76 is just about ready for the proofreader. Below are some cover ideas from my lovely and talented wife . Please let me know which cover you prefer and why.

Impala Summary Poll Results

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Last week, I asked readers to vote on a blurb for my next book, Impala.

Two thirds of the respondents favored the “Summary” blurb, which described the main character and his predicament in straight expository prose. One third preferred the “Flavor” blurb that gave a good sense of the books’ style and tone, and encouraged the reader to piece together what the book was about.

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